zielsicher Englisch, Bautechnik, Schulbuch

Professions of the building trade Use your favourite translation tool and match the English and German words. bricklayer form-worker underground construction worker floor layer carpenter  architectural draughtsman/draughtswoman drywall builder & stucco plasterer paver painter surveying technician tiler stove fitter tinsmith insulation fitter roofer joiner Maurer/in Trockenausbauer/in & Stuckateur/in Tiefbauer/in Bautechnische(r) Zeichner/in bricklayer drywall builder & stucco plasterer underground construction worker architectural draughts­ man/draughtswoman Dachdecker/in Bodenleger/in Zimmereitechniker/in Schalungsbauer/in roofer floor layer carpenter formworker Vermessungstechniker/in Fliesenleger/in Hafner/in Spengler/in surveying technician tiler stove fitter tin smith Maler/in Tischler/in Pflasterer/in Isoliermonteur/in painter joiner paver insulation fitter Mosaic Find the right way. 03 A2 joiner bricklayer Kelle Isolierzange insulator Säge 13 Welcome to vocational school 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv