zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Read the text, and then choose the correct statements. Testing means to determine if the work piece or the basic mater- ial meets the prescribed requirements such as measurements, form or surface quality. Subjective testing includes feeling, touch- ing, seeing, hearing or smelling, but these ways of testing are quite imprecise. Objective testing shows the exact deviation from the desired status. There are two techniques, measuring and gauging. Measuring tools determine the actual size of a length or an angle with a numerical value. Gauging compares the form or size of a work piece with a gauge to see, if the work piece is within the permitted deviation. You don’t get a numerical value, you only determine if the test object is good , rework or reject . Testing means to determine if the work piece meets the requirements. Subjective testing includes gauging. Subjective testing includes the senses (feeling, touching, seeing, hearing …) Gauging is a precise testing technique. Gauging is an imprecise testing technique because you don’t get a numerical value, you only see if the test object is “good, rework or reject” Objective testing shows the exact deviation from the actual size. Objective testing shows the exact deviation from the desired status. Measuring tools determine length with a numerical value. Subjective testing is imprecise. Fill in the correct terms, then mark the measuring tools green and the gauging tools blue. vernier calliper feeler gauge straightedge radius gauge protractor  external micrometer limit gap gauge dial gauge Fühlerlehre Grenzrachenlehre Messschieber Haarlineal feeler gauge (blue) limit gap gauge (blue) vernier calliper (green) straightedge (blue) Messuhr Winkelmesser Bügelmessschraube Radiuslehre dial gauge (green) protractor (green) external micrometer (green) radius gauge (blue) 04 A2–B1 Word bank 04 determine bestimmen, ermitteln prescribed requirement festgelegte, vorgeschriebene Anforderung measure Maß surface Oberfläche imprecise ungenau deviation Abweichung desired status Sollzustand angle Winkel actual size Istmaß numerical value Zahlenwert permitted erlaubt ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 05 A2 45 Testing, measuring, scribing 8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv