zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

zielsicher – English Table of contents Unit Topics Skills S: = Speaking W: = Writing R: = Reading L: = Listening Page Wie arbeite ich mit diesem Buch? 2 Table of contents 4 1 May I intro- duce myself? Introducing myself and others Describing strengths and weaknesses, abilities and skills S: ·· I can describe myself and others. 04 ·· I can ask simple questions. 06, 07 10 W: ·· I can write a short text about myself. 02 R: ·· I can read about different strengths and weaknesses and know which ones apply to me. 05 L: ·· I can listen to and understand someone’s introduction. 01 2 Welcome to Vocational School The Austrian dual system Subjects at school Professions of the metal trade S: ·· I can describe my school and the subjects I study there. 08 ·· I can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the education system in Austria. 09 14 W: ·· I can write down key facts about my vocational school. 05, 06, 08 R: ·· I can read a text about the Austrian Vocational Education and Training. 01 L: ·· I can understand a text about the Austrian Vocational Education and Training. 01 ·· I can understand descriptions of different jobs within the metalworking business. 04 3 Various working materials Working materials and their classifications Characteristics of process materials Sintered materials Corrosion and corrosion protection methods S: ·· I can talk about the pros and cons of sintering.  11 ·· I can explain the right choice of working materials based on different aspects. 10, 12 ·· I can explain the processing steps of sintering and the term “calibrating”, and talk about important sintered materials and what they are used for. 13 18 W: ·· I can write down the various working materials. 01, 02 ·· I can answer questions about sintered materials. 05 ·· I can write a dialogue about the pros and cons of sintering. 10 ·· I can write a short presentation about corrosion. 12 R: ·· I can read a text about the pros and cons of sintering. 05 ·· I can read and understand a text about corrosion and corrosion protection. 07 L: ·· I can understand a lecture about working materials and process materials. 04 4 This is the company I work for: The Austrian metal industry Global players, affiliated companies or small and medium-sized companies? Michael’s story My company S: ·· I can talk about the differences between companies. 04 ·· I can describe my company. 09 24 W: ·· I can describe my company. 08 R: ·· I can understand a text about the metal industry. 01 L: ·· I can understand someone talking about themselves and their company. 07 5 Tools What tools are used for The passive Paraphrasing A journey into the distant past S: ·· I can talk about the various tools. 07, 08, 10 28 W: ·· I can write a short description of a tool. 13 ·· I can write a summary about the history of metalworking.  11 R: ·· I can read information about the different types of tools and how to use them. 01 L: ·· I can understand apprentices talking about their tools. 05 ·· I can understand a short story about the history of metal­ working. 11 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv