zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Listen to these apprentices talk about their day at work. What do they do? Do they like their tasks J or not L ? 1 2 filing L operating a column drill J 3 4 working in the storage area L working with steel J Tim’s working day: Put this text into the correct order. 7 Then it is time to go. Another working day is finished. 5 After tool-cleaning he has to tidy up the building site. 2 Usually, he is quite tired until the morning break. Then he gets started. 4 It is important to clean the tools in the evening. 1 It takes Tim 40 minutes to get to work. 9 Now it’s time to chill out and enjoy the evening. 6 Before he goes home, it is his duty to log in all the day’s activities into the building journal. 3 At 12 o’clock Tim has his lunch break. 8 After another 40 minutes trip, by train and he is home. 05 A2 listening fd2n6a Word bank time clock Stechuhr smoothing Glätten shaping Formen shop-floor Werkstatt cutting machine operator Zerspanungs- techniker/-in column drill Standbohrmaschine hinge Scharnier sheet steel profiles Blechprofile metal shearing machine Schermaschine storage Lager construction site Baustelle sheet metal Blech grit my teeth die Zähne zusammenbeißen ban sb. from doing sth. jem. etwas verbieten stock-taking Bestandsaufnahme properties Eigenschaften What the heck! Was soll’s! employee Angestellte(r) manual power tool elektrisches Handwerkzeug steel Stahl high-carbon steel Hartstahl low-carbon steel Schmiedeeisen spring-steel Federstahl tool-/tungsten-steel Werkzeugstahl 06 A2 36 Unit 6 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv