zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

The tools in your company. Work with a partner. Do you remember the first tool you have ever used? individual answers What did you use it for? Don’t show your answers to your partner. Describe the tool. Explain what it looks like and how and when it is used. Take turns. Now draw the tool your partner describes into the box below. Check with your partner if you drew the correct tool. The “tool charts”. Which are the most important tools in your class? First, discuss with a partner how often you use the tools on the previous page. Then choose five tools which are the most important ones in your workshop. Meanwhile your teacher writes the tools on the blackboard or on a poster. Then, each pair ticks the tools they chose. In the end count the ticks and make a list – the “tool charts”. Play the game “Tool Domino” with a partner. Your teacher will provide the playing cards. Work in groups of three. Choose a machine tool and present it to the class. Listening: “A journey into the distant past” Listen carefully to the text, and then try to write a short summary for your portfolio. 07 A2–B1 Tip Describing things • Describing size and shape: It’s round/square/long/flat/… It’s made of metal/plastic/wood/rubber/… It’s about this big. (show it with your hands) It’s the same size as a … (thing) It is usually white/grey/silver/… • Describing what you need it for: You use it for repairing …/opening bottles/… It helps you (to) … It stops you from …(-ing) You use it with a … 08 A2 Grammar at your fingertips: • Adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes, often) come between the subject and the verb. • Example: I always keep the shop floor clean. I often/sometimes/rarely/ never use a screwdriver. How often do you use a screwdriver? 09 A2–B1 10 A2–B1 11 B1 listening 6nx9tf Word bank manufactured erzeugt, hergestellt Stone Age Steinzeit scratching kratzend copper Kupfer pile of wood Holzstoß poke stochern fan aufflammen curiosity Neugierde aroused geweckt, erwacht discovery Entdeckung surface Oberfläche 32 Unit 5 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv