zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Read the text and underline projects in the metalworking industry. The Austrian metal industry The Austrian metal industry delivers state-of-the-art products for markets all over the world. LD and Corex processes are symbolic of the trailblazing role that the Austrian metal processing industry has on the world market. Global players deliver products e. g. precision steel products and aluminium sheets to clients for a wide range of uses. They have a lot of affiliated companies that offer jobs not only in the main fields of the metal industry, but in other areas that add great value to a project. Metal handicrafts have a long tradition in Austria. Many small and medium-sized companies, some family-owned, are reliable partners for their customers. These local trades support all kinds of private and public construction. Building a house would be impossible without them. They are experts in their field from the roof, domestic installations and railings to the carport. What does it mean to be a global player? It’s an organisation that operates in one or more countries other than their home country. Write the name of the company you work for on the blackboard. Do you know other companies in the metalworking business as well? Add them to the list. Global players, affiliated companies or small and medium-sized companies? Work with a partner: Which of the companies on the blackboard are global players, affiliated companies or small and medium-sized companies? What is the difference? 01 A2 Word bank state-of-the-art auf dem modernsten Stand der Technik trailblazing role Vorreiterrolle metal processing industry Metall­ verarbeitungsbranche global player Weltkonzern steel products Stahlerzeugnisse aluminium sheets Aluminiumbleche affiliated company Tochtergesellschaft handicrafts Handarbeiten small and medium-sized companies Klein- und Mittelbetriebe local trades lokale Gewerbebetriebe public öffentlich construction hier: Bauten domestic installations Hausinstallationen railings Geländer 02 A2 03 A1 04 A2 This is the company I work for Only a few weeks ago Michael started working at a metalworking company. What a difference from his life before! He is no longer a student at school but an apprentice at work. He wears jackets with the logo of the company on it and he is proud of doing so. He is earning his own money for the first time ever – this part he really likes! However, does he really know the company he is working for? What about you? Do you know the key facts about the company that is training you? Are you proud being an apprentice? 24 Unit 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv