zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Do a survey among your classmates about the various working materials they use. Name: The working materials they use: Create a dialogue with a partner about the advantages and disadvantages of sintering. Write a dialogue for your portfolio. Present it to the class. Take notes of others’ presentations. The choice of the right working materials is based on different aspects. Ask your partner about three characteristics of working materials. Take it in turns. Work in groups of three and prepare a short presentation about corrosion. Agree your short presentation topic, from the corrosion themes below. The others take notes. Manifestation of corrosion individual answers Types of corrosion Protection against corrosion Stand up and make two large groups. Form an inner and an outer circle. Both face each other. The person on the inside talks to the person to the outside for about half a minute. Then the person on the outside reports what he or she heard in turn. Following a signal, the inner circle moves two positions, clockwise. Now, the person on the outside talks to the person on the inside and the person on the inside reports back. Take three turns, using the topics below. 1. Explain the processing steps of sintering. 2. Talk about important sintered materials and what they are used for. 3. Explain the term “calibrating” and what it achieves. 09 A2 10 A2–B1 11 A2–B1 12 A2–B1 13 A2–B1 22 Unit 3 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv