zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Think about the various working materials you know. Write them in the cloud. Read the text, then draw a mind map about working materials for your portfolio. There are three main groups of working materials: metals , non-metals and composite materials . •• Metals are sub-divided into ferrous metals, to which steel and materials for casting belong, and non-ferrous metals, to which light metals (e.g. aluminium, magnesium, titanium) belong, as well as heavy metals (e.g. zinc, lead, copper.) •• The next group, non-metals , is also sub-divided into natural materials, such as mineral, plant and animal materials and artificial materials. These are: a) synthetic materials, such as thermoplastic, duroplastic and elastomer materials, b) glass materials and c) ceramic materials. •• Composite materials are sub-divided into sintered materials, hard metals and reinforced synthetic materials. 01 A2 steel, cast iron, plastic materials, sintered materials, composite materials … 02 A2–B1 Word bank composite materials Verbundstoffe ferrous eisenhaltig, Eisen- non-ferrous Nichteisen- materials for casting Gusswerkstoffe light metal Leichtmetall heavy metal Schwermetall plant pflanzlich artificial künstlich ceramic material keramischer Werkstoff sintered material Sintermaterialien hard metal Hartmetall reinforced verstärkt copper Kupfer zinc Zink lead Blei aluminium (BE)/aluminum (AE)  Aluminium magnesium Magnesium titanium Titan Various working materials Paul and Lilly are reading an article in today’s newspaper about a bridge that collapsed due to corroded parts of the steel construction. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, because it was late at night. They both realize that protecting material from corrosion is a very important part of their future profession as a metal worker. Do you protect your personal things such as your tools or your bike against corrosion? 18 Unit 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv