zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch
Unit 16 08. 1. I have a sore throat. 2. I have chills and my body aches. 3. I have a bruised leg. 4. I have an eye infection. 09. c) 10. travel, covers, treatment/care, expensive, hospital/emergency room, doctor, prescription 11. 12. St. Philip’s Cathedral Unit 17 17. Pig iron is the basic material for steel production. Slag is used for building purposes such as insulation and road construction. The blast furnace gas is used for heating of the air and for district heating. 18. blast furnace top with blanking plug – chamber – carbon-sack – bosh and ring-line for hot air blasting – frame 19. limestone, ore, coke 20. Preheating zone, the temperature varies from 200°C–600°C. Reduction zone, the temperature varies from 600°C–1000°C. Coking zone, the temperature varies from 1000°C–1100°C. Melting zone, the temperature varies from 1500°C–1600°C. Unit 18 15. physical, mental, social well-being 16. smoking, drinking alcohol, not doing sports, eating too much fast food, spending too much time in front of the computer or smart phone 17. saturated fat unhealthy , sugar unhealthy , processed food unhealthy , fast food unhealthy , vegetables healthy , noodles unhealthy , too much or processed meat unhealthy , nuts healthy , fruit healthy 18. structure, mind map, eat nuts, don’t drink alcohol, take breaks, relax 19. relax, take a break, make a prior- ity list, meet friends, talk to someone Ask yourself what’s important and what’s not. Don’t let anything or anyone “make” you feel anything negative. Unit 19 08. Thermal processes; Thermo chemical processes 09. completely to the core, on the surface 10. 1. hardening – Härten; 2. temper- ing – Vergüten; 3. surface hardening – Randschichthärten 11. 1. heating 2. hold temperature 3. quenching 4. annealing 5. cool down 12. c) Unit 20 15. 1. prohibitory signs: No smoking. 2. mandatory signs: Safety helmet must be worn. 3. warning signs: General danger. 16. 17. 2-4-1-3-5 18. 1.C, 2.D, 3.B, 4.A Unit 21 12. 1. tilt-and turn window, 2. fixed window, 3. side hung window, 4. sliding window 13. A sliding window opens by mov- ing one window sideways on a track. A tilt-and turn window opens either to the left or to the right side, addi- tional tilting is possible leaving a top gap. A fixed window cannot be opened. A side-hung window opens either to the left or to the right side. 14. window frame, casement win- dow, window fittings, glazing bead strips, pane of glass 15. They provide weather protection, protection against burglary and dis- turbing noises. They should be easy to clean, they should last for a long time and should have a decorative design. 16. swing gates, sliding gates Unit 22 10. 1. flat roof 2. mono-pitch roof 3. gable roof 4. hip roof 11. A flue-flashing, B ridge beam/ ridge purlin, C rafter, D eave purlin, E foil underlay, F roof batten 12. (im Uhrzeigersinn von 12 Uhr weg) centre/middle purlin, eave purlin, outer walls, gutter, rafters, roof tiles, ridge beam/ridge purlin 13. baked clay tiles, wooden shingles, stones, slate tiles, bitumen shingles, sheet metal Unit 23 11. Nennmaß = nominal size, Höchst- maß = maximum size limit, Mindest- maß = minimum size limit 12. It is the difference between the maximum and the minimum size limits of a component. 13. because of financial and economic reasons 14. dimensional tolerance, form tolerance, tolerance of position 15. deviation limits (blue), general tolerances (yellow), ISO tolerances (red) 16. loose fit, medium fit, interference fit The inner part is the bore, and the outer part is the shaft. Unit 24 07. Starters/Appetizers: soup, salad, samosas, stir-fried vegetables Main courses: pizza, falafel sandwich, fish & chips, burger, pot pie, chicken breast, trout Desserts: yogurt, fruit, Sherry Trifle, Bakewell Tart, Junior Cheesecake, Sponge Cake 08. 1. I’d like to order something to drink. 2. Can we have the bill please? 3. No thank you, I’m sweet enough. 4. Do you have a table for four please? 5. I’m sorry, but that was just not very good. 09. 1-3-5-8-2-4-6-7 Unit 25 16. 1. Greeting your customer politely; 2. Finding out what the customer would like; 3. Presenting goods or services to the customer; 4. After the customer decides to buy 17. external appearance, body lan- guage, language and voice, attitude and good manners 18. 1. Wir erwarten eine an- gemessene Entschädigung. 2. Wir werden den Fehler wieder gut 2. Ich habe Schüttelfrost und Gliederschmerzen. I have chills and my body aches. 3. Ich habe ein geprelltes Bein. I have a bruised leg. 4. Ich habe eine Augeninfektion. I have an eye infection. What do you have to do if your passport is stolen? a) Call your family to get a new one. b) Buy a new one on the black market. c) File a police report and contact your home country’s embassy to get a replacement. Fill in the missing words? When travelling abroad, you should have some travel insurance. In the case of an illness, it covers t e cost of your medical treatment/care . Otherwise it might become very expensive to go to a/an hospital/emergency room . If you have e.g. caught the flu, the doctor will check you and usually, you will be given a prescription for the pharmacist. Hopefully, this will never happen to you. Draw th directions. Turn left. Go straight ahead. Take the second on the right. Turn right. Look at the map on the opposite page. You are in Margaret Street. Where will you end up if you follow these directions? 09 A2 ✗ 10 A2–B1 11 A1 12 A2 Go straight ahead.Turn left at Edmund St.Then take the second on the right.Then turn left and go straight ahead until you come to a park. It’s in the middle of the park. St. Philip’s Cathedral What I can now do: ●● I can describe different illnesses and pain. ➤ 08 Ich kann verschiedeneKrankheitenundBeschwerdenbeschreiben. ●● I know what to do when my passport gets stolen. ➤ 09 Ichweißwas zu tun ist,wennmeinPassgestohlenwird. ●● I can apply words necessary to talk about medical treatment abroad. ➤ 10 Ich kannWörteranwenden,die otwendig sindumüber einemedizinischeBehandlung imAusland zu sprechen. ●● I can give and follow directions. ➤ 11 , 12 Ich kanndenWeg erklärenundErklärungen folgen. 87 say to a doctor when you have a problem? Halsweh. I have a sore throat. Schüttelfrost und Gliederschmerzen. I have chills and my body aches. ein geprelltes Bein. I have a bruised leg. eine Augeninfektion. I have an eye infection. have to do if your passport is stolen? our family to get a new one. b) Buy a new one on the black market. police report and contact your home country’s embassy to get a replacement. ssing words? ing abroad, you should have some travel insurance. In the case of an illness, the cost of your medical treatment/care . Otherwise it might become pensive to go to a/an hospital/emergency room . .g. caught the flu, the doctor will check you and usually, you will be given cription for the pharmacist. Hopefully, this will never happen to you. ections. Go straight ahead. Take the second on the right. Turn right. ap on the opposite page. You are in Margaret Street. u end up if you follow these directions? ight ahead.Turn left at Edmund St.Then take the second on the right.Then turn left and go straight until you come to a park. It’s in the middle of the park. athedral ow do: cribe different illnesses and pain. ➤ 08 rschiedeneKrankheitenundBeschwerdenbeschreiben. hat to do when my passport gets stolen. ➤ 09 s zu tun ist,wennmeinPassgestohlenwird. ly words necessary to talk about medical trea ment abroad. ➤ 10 rteranwenden,dienotwendig sindumüber einemedizinischeBehandlung imAusland zu sprechen. e and follow directions. ➤ 11 , 12 nWeg erklärenundErklärungen folgen. 87 Name three categories of safety signs and find an example for e ch. 1. prohibitory signs: No smoking. 2. mandatory signs: Safety helmet must be worn. 3. warning signs: General danger. Which of these symbols indicate the following reactions? explosion fire health damage biohazard What do you do if a colleague is injured? Put the steps into the correct order. Call the ambulance. 2 Look for the first aid sign to find a medical kit. 4 Check the situation first. By helping, you might be in danger, too. 1 Care for the person. 3 Finally report the accident to your foreman. 5 Match the following safety signs to their meanings. 1. 2. 3. 4. A Ear protection must be worn. B Emergency xit C Overhead loading D No access for unauthorised persons 15 A2 16 A2 17 A2 18 A2 What I can now do: ●● I can name three categories of safety signs including examples. ➤ 15 Ich kann drei Kategorien von Sicherheitszeichen und Beispiele nennen. ●● I can identify the symbols for hazardous materials and know their reaction. ➤ 16 Ich kann gefährliche Arbeitsstoffe identifizieren und kenne Ihre Folgen. ●● I can put actions th n ed to be taken i case of an emergency into the correct order. ➤ 17 Ich kann die Schritte, die in einem Notfall getan werden müssen, in die richtige Reihenfolge bringen. ●● I can match safety signs to their meanings. ➤ 18 Ich kann Warnschilder ihren Bedeutungen zuordnen. 20 Safety signs and environmental issues Check yourself 109 178 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv
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