zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Solutions for the Check yourself-pages Unit 1 09. individual answer: I am a multi-tasker. I am good at maths. I am open-minded. 10. individual answer 11. 1.E, 2.D, 3.A, 4.B, 5.C 12. a) Unit 2 10. 1.B, 2.A, 3.D, 4.C 11. c), d), e), f), h), you might have i) as an optional course, j) 12. Example: The name and address of my school is … In my school there are XX students in total. The name of the headmaster is … In my class, there are XX students. My school offers courses for XX professions. It was founded in XXXX. 13. individual answers Unit 3 14. 15. combustibles – Brennstoffe; coolants – Kühlmittel; fuels – Treib- stoffe; lubricants – Schmierstoffe; soldering agents – Lötmittel; abrasive and polishing materials – Schleif- und Poliermittel; cleaning agents – Reini- gungsmittel; hardening agents – Härtemittel 16. physical, chemical, mechanical characteristics, environmental com- patibility, economic considerations 17. hard metals, ceramic cutting materials, sintered high-speed steel, machine parts. 18. chemical and electrochemical corrosion; active, passive and cathodic protection methods Unit 4 10. AMAG rolling GmbH, Voestalpine GmbH, Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Stahl Judenburg GmbH, Siemens VAI 11. Precision steel products and alu- minium sheets, house construction from the roof, domestic installations and railings to the carport; installa- tion and building technology, mech- anical engineering, metal processing, iron and steel industry, automobile engineering, roofing and tinsmith work. 12. Global players have projects in different countries and have many employees. Small and medium-sized companies only have a few employees and oper- ate mostly in Austria. 13. individual answer: Example: Family owned, medium-sized com- pany, 35 employees, 2 apprentices, specialises in aluminium products, delivering to global players 14. 1.E, 2.F, 3.A, 4.B, 5.D, 6.C Unit 5 12. 13. It is a hand-held power driven tool. It makes holes into wood, metal or similar materials. You can also use it to fix screws. 14. 1. screwdriver = hand tool 2. angle grinder = manual power tool 3. round column drilling machine = machine tool Unit 6 14. filing, measuring, cutting, drilling, working with big machines, cleaning 15. c) 16. 1.B, 2.A, 3.D, 4.C 17. 12 twelve, 15 fifteen, 54 fifty-four, 45 forty-five, 21 twenty-one, 78 seventy-eight, 87 eighty-seven, 100 one hundred 18. 1. It’s eighteen minutes to four in the afternoon. 2. It’s 3.42 p.m. Unit 7 08. 1. A man (the customer) and a woman (the seller/sales assistant.) 2. They are at the checkout of a hard- ware store. 3. payment in cash, bank/debit card or credit card payment 09. Customer 2.: Good morning. I’m looking for tools and nails. Shop assistant 3.: They are just around the corner. Shop assistant 5.: Yes, the box of 100 is even on special offer, at the moment. Here you are. Customer 6.: Great! I’ll take it. I’ll need some time for the tools. Complete the table of working materials and their classification. Name some process mat rials and the r German translation. combustibles coolants fuels lubricants soldering agents Bren stoffe Kühlmittel Treibstoffe Schmierstoffe Lötmittel Name the five characteristics of working materials. physical, chemical & mechanical characteristics, environmental compatibility, economic considerations Name important sintered materials. hard metals, ceramic cutting materials Name the two types of corrosion and the three corrosion protection methods. chemical and electrochemical corrosion; active, passive and cathodic protection methods 14 A2–B1 15 A2–B1 cleaning agents – Reinigungsmittel; hardening agents – Härtemittel 16 A2–B1 17 A2–B1 18 A2–B1 ceramic materials glass materials synthetic materials • duroplastics • thermoplastics • elastomers artificial materials • mineral • plant • animal natural materials non-metals composite materials • sintered materials • hard metals • reinforced synthetic materials metals • steel • materials for casting ferrous metals nonferrous metals • aluminium • magnesium • titanium light metals • zinc • lead • copper heavy metals 3 Various working materials Check yourself Do the crossword. Give information about a portable drilling machine. It is a hand-held power dr en tool. It makes holes into wood, m tal or similar ma erials. You can also use it to fix screws. 12 A2 Across: 2 Schraubenzieher 4 Meißel 7Beißzange 9 Stichsäge 10 Ratsche 13 Schraubstock 14 Zange (Überbegriff) Down: 1 Feile 3 Schraubzwinge 5 Bügelsäge 6 Reißnadel 8 Drehmaschine 11 Hammer 12 Schmiedezange 1 3 F 2 S C R E W D R I V E R L 5 6 L A 4 C H I S E L M A C 7 P I N C E R S K I 8 S B L A E A 11 12 9 J I G S A W 10 R A T C H E T H A O 13 V I C E M N M G 14 P L I E R S R 13 A2–B1 5 Tools Check yourself 176 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv