zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Find a hobby for someone who … … is courageous*: individual answers, e. g. bungee jumping … loves nature: e. g. hiking, mountain-biking … is always interested in new things: e. g. electro skateboarding … loves music: e. g. playing an instrument, singing … is creative: e. g. acting, painting … loves to move: e. g. inline skating, running, skiing, cycling Describe your best friends’ talents or interests. What do you do together? Write a description using at least three sentences to describe each friend. • How are your friends talented or interesting? Why do you like spending time together? • What do you like to do together? • What is something about your friendship that other people might not understand? My friend is / My friends are interested in … Together we … Other people do not understand why my friend(s) and me … Trying something new: Interview a classmate using the following questions. Write two new questions in the empty boxes. Present your classmate’s new interest to the class. You might want to draw a picture of it! When was the last time you tried something new? What was it? Was it at school or in your free time? Individual answers Why did you want to do it? Did someone encourage you to keep doing it? What about trying …? a) With a partner, look online for some other activities to do in your free time with friends. What are they? Why do they look interest- ing? Who would you like to do those things with? How much does it cost? b) Do you think it should be cool and fashionable or even dangerous so that you can impress your friends? Describe a special hobby and present it to the class. (Power Point, poster, …) 06 A2 *courageous mutig 07 A2 08 A2–B1 09 A2–B1 Tip Hobby checklist: • Is it interesting and fun for me? • Can I learn something about myself by doing this? • Do my friends like doing this, too? If not, could I make new friends there? • Is it affordable*? *affordable leistbar 10 A2–B1 174 Unit 34 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentu des Verlags öbv