zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch
How can you protect yourself in each situation? Discuss each option with your class. Stand up for yourself! What would you say or do in each situation to make it stop? Angelika sent a fraudulent email to all of Mara’s colleagues by hacking into her account. Now everyone thinks Mara stole from the com- pany. Mara should try to prove that she was not responsible for the email. She should ask her friends at work to help, then she should change her passwords. Mara should use Angelika’s account to order pizza for everyone in the office. An internet troll is writing awful things about you on a social network. “You are a ridiculous creature, internet troll! Get a job!” “I’ve reported you to the social network and blocked your comments.” Your classmates are sharing online content with each other, but you are being left out. “Oh hey, can I join the group? I have some pictures to share, too.” “You must hate me. What did I ever do to you?” Mosaic What would you do if you were a victim of cyberbullying? Use the diagram to help you decide. Why is this situation difficult? it is a cycle victims have to be brave 03 A2–B1 Tip Discuss problems – don’t ignore them! Since January 2016 cyberbullying is illegal in Austria. You can ask the police to press charges against online bullies. The word consent is important to understand. If you don’t tell someone that they are allowed to do something, they do not have your consent. When someone does something to you, like post a film or picture of you taken without your consent, it is a crime. Word bank 03 press charges (against someone) (gegen jemanden) Anzeige erstatten consent Zustimmung crime Verbrechen 04 fraudulent betrügerisch hack into unerlaubt eindringen, „knacken“ account Konto ridiculous lächerlich block blockieren court Gericht If something bad happens, ask for help! Be careful where you post pictures! Don’t be too quick to trust new friends! Protect your passwords! 04 A2 ✗ ✗ ✗ START: You’ve been cyberbullied. Would you ask the police to press charges? Yes, the bullies should be punished. No. Yes. The bullies should be punished. You have to go to court to face your bullies. But what if it happens again? Would you ask the police to press charges? No. The bullies should just be warned and made to take the material off the internet. Back to START! But what if it happens again? 169 Unbelievable! I never thought that would happen to me … 33 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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