zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch
What do you think happened to Jess? Talk to a partner and try to find a possible explanation. Then read the text and find out what really happened. Is it different from your story? What do you think Jess should do? Gernot was jealous of Jess and was mad that she was spending more time with friends from work and vocational school than with him. He decided to get back at her for making new acquaintances, so he edited their faces into a pornographic picture and posted it on a website. One of Jess’ classmates found the awful picture and showed the others. They thought Jess was responsible, so they stopped talking to her. Jess is the victim of an online threat called “revenge porn”. How could she have known that a selfie could go so wrong? What can she do? What else could go wrong online in each situation? Think of some examples on your own, then brainstorm with your class and make a list on the blackboard! What could be the con- sequences in each situation? Some of the words in the Word bank might be helpful. Using social media Online shopping Posting photos or films online Hate speech or trolling Other situations phony friends, photos could be stolen and mis- used, passwords and account data could be stolen, cyberbullying passwords and bank account data could be stolen, identity theft, credit card theft, fraud trolling, “revenge porn”, creative work could be stolen is hurtful; if you do it: you could lose your job or phishing emails, being vulnerable online: communit- ies, message boards, relation- ships/sex; identity theft, etc., “happy slapping” 01 A2 Word bank 01 jealous eifersüchtig acquaintance Bekanntschaft revenge porn aus Rache pornografische Bilder von jem. in sozialen Medien oder im Internet verbreiten 02 social media soziale Medien hate speech Hass-Rede, hier: online Hass-Kommentar trolling hier: Beiträge posten, mit denen man provozieren will identity theft Identitätsdiebstahl threat Bedrohung fraud Betrug cyber-bullying Cyber-Mobbing phishing (gefälschte) Emails oder Web- seiten, die Bankdaten etc. ausspionieren oder jem. dazu bringen wollen, Geld zu überweisen happy slapping jem. attackieren und ein Video davon verbreiten, um die Person zu demütigen 02 A2 Unbelievable! I never thought that would happen to me … Jess had thought that she had finally made friends with some of her classmates. They invited her to a party and she had a great time! At the party, Jess sent a selfie with her new group of friends to her boyfriend Gernot. She was excited for them to meet. But then things started to get strange. The next day, Gernot sent Jess a text that said he wanted to break up. Her new friends at school also stopped talking to her. Have you ever been in a similar situation? What happened? 168 Unit 33 Suddenly I felt as if I had no friends at all. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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