zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch
Name the five steps to follow during an interview from the “9 step – plan of action”. Step 4: Make a good first impression. Step 5: Relax and communicate. Step 6: Sell yourself. Use the C.M.A.D.E. words. Step 7: Be prepared for the difficult questions. Step 8: Ask questions yourself. Pre-prepare some based on your research. What kind of preparation can you do for an interview? Write three full sentences. I can find out about the company and its products/services on the internet/its website. I can make a recording about myself and learn it on my mobile phone or computer. I can prepare my clothes and personal appearance. Name three things you should take with you to interview. My certificates because they are not included in my application package. Examples of my work, if I have them, or testimonials. The names and contact details of my referees. Can you give an outline of the email or letter to follow up after the interview? Thank your interviewer, you enjoyed meeting him, include any extra material, end positively and enthusiastically about working for their company. Match the following terms from the English C.M.A.D.E. set to the German S.M.E.S.E. set. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. c onfident/ c onfidence m otivated/ m otivation right a ttitude d iligent/ d iligence e nthusiastic/ e nthusiasm A B C D E richtige E instellung s orgfältig/ S orgfalt m otiviert/ M otivation begeistert/ E nthusiasmus s icher/ S elbstvertrauen 13 A2–B1 14 A2–B1 15 A2–B1 16 A2–B1 17 A2 What I can now do: ●● I can name the 5 steps to follow during an interview. ➤ 13 Ich kann die 5 Schritte nennen, die ich während eines Bewerbungsgesprächs beachten sollte. ●● I can prepare well for an interview. ➤ 14 Ich kann mich gut auf ein Bewerbungsgesprächs vorbereiten. ●● I can name 3 things I should take with me to an interview. ➤ 15 Ich kann 3 Dinge nennen, die ich zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch mitnehmen soll. ●● I can write a good follow-up letter after the interview. ➤ 16 Ich kann einen guten Folgebrief auf ein Bewerbungsgespräch verfassen. ●● I can use the 5 magic words to talk my way into a job. ➤ 17 Ich kann die 5 „Zauberwörter“ anwenden, um bei einem Bewerbungsgespräch erfolgreich zu sein. 32 Talking your way into a job Check yourself 167 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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