zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch
Step 1: Do your homework about the company. Step 2: Make a recording and learn. Work in pairs and talk about how to prepare for an interview. Write down notes about how you would find out about the company. Then choose a company you would like to work for and do some research. Write a summary about the company, yourself and your work to record and learn it. Step 3: Get ready and get there Work in groups and discuss what you should wear and why? (Clothes, shoes, hair, fingernails, make-up!) Then discuss why experts say it is a good idea to arrive early … not less than 15 minutes before the interview. Give three reasons or things you should notice. Are the staff friendly? Do they seem stressed or relaxed? Do they seem organised? Is it a place I want to work at? Step 4: Make a good first impression. Step 5: Communicate In your groups choose two people to demonstrate two different ways of entering the room: the 1 st person being scared like a mouse and 2 nd person to enter the room confidently like a tiger. Don’t forget to use appropriate body language, and handshakes. Steps 6 & 7: Here are some of the most common questions asked in job interviews. Listen to the two answers and decide which answer you liked most. Interview questions individual answers; however, recommended are these: Peter Harry None Can you tell me about your current job? What is the biggest success you have had in the past three years? How would your boss describe your work? What is your greatest strength? And what are your weaknesses? Why do you want to work for us? Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? Work out your own answers to the difficult but common questions. Write them down for your portfolio (Use the C.M.A.D.E. words) “Good answers for me at a job interview” Steps 8: Next prepare your questions for the interviewer and for ending it positively. Step 9: Draft an outline of your follow up email with your partner. Test them with your partner. Maybe make corrections if you don’t get good feedback. Lastly, take out the job position you chose to write your written application for, from the last unit. Work in pairs. Listen to Lukas’ interview for inspiration. Prepare for each position, taking the role of applicant while your partner takes the role of the interviewer and do the job interview. Then switch roles. 06 A2–B1 07 A2–B1 08 A2–B1 09 A2–B1 listening 2yh5jx ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 10 A2–B1 11 A2–B1 12 B1 listening 3wh4mu Tip Step 4 You only have six seconds to make a first impression. Make sure it’s a good one! To greet your interviewer politely, say: “Pleased to meet you, Mr/Ms …” Step 5 Talk openly about yourself, but don’t tell interviewers everything about your personal life. Keep the conversation job-related. 166 Unit 32 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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