zielsicher Englisch, Metalltechnik, Schulbuch

Your headmaster is doing a school tour for teachers from Finland. Fill in the missing words – if you need help, have a look at the word bank. Welcome to our vocational school! The Austrian VET (Vocational Education and Training) combines  company -based training with education in  vocational schools  . In vocational schools, we have  general education as well as  specialised  classes for each profession. The practical work is taught in  workshops  . Some apprentices attend school one or two days a week; others have  full time blocks  lasting ten weeks or more. Depending on the trade, the  apprenticeship  takes from two to four years. At the end of the apprenticeship there is a  final  exam. If the apprentices pass it, they become  skilled  workers. Let’s have a look at some workshops. Please follow me … Match the English and German terms for the following subjects. Underline the subjects which belong to general education (GE) and circle the specialised classes (SC). Political Education Berufsbezogene Fremdspr. Englisch Mechanical Technology Mechanische Technologie Occupational English Angewandte Wirtschaftslehre Applied Economics Politische Bildung Computer-aided Technical Drawing Angewandte Mathematik Applied Mathematics Computergestütztes Fachzeichnen Laboratory Tutorial Laboratoriumsübungen German and Communication Fach- und Projektpraktikum Specialised and Project Training Deutsch und Kommunikation 01 A2 listening t9w8be 02 A2 Word bank metalworking business Metallbranche subject Unterrichtsfach headmaster Direktor/-in company-based training betriebliche Ausbildung general education Allgemeinbildung specialised classes fachspezifischer Unterricht practical praktisch workshop Werkstätte full time blocks Blockunterricht trade Gewerbe final exam(ination) Abschlussprüfung skilled worker Facharbeiter/-in Welcome to vocational school! Ronaldo loves to work with his hands. This is why he decided to become an apprentice in the metalworking business. Ten weeks a year he attends a vocational school. What a surprise, when he found out that he has subjects like English and Political Education as well! Do you have an idea why these subjects are important in vocational schools also? Arguments for learning English: • you will be able to work abroad • you might have to deal with English-speaking/ international customers, suppliers or colleagues • training of the speech centre in the brain • you can talk to tourists in your hometown • you can talk to people when you are on holiday 14 Unit 2 Why do I have to learn English? I won’t need it in my job! Because … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv