zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

1. He is late. 2. He isn’t wearing a suit. He didn’t check the dress code. 3. His mobile phone is ringing. 4. He forgot his supervisor’s name. It’s Jack not Jake. Breaking the ice Look at Tom now! He certainly has scrubbed up well. He looks very smart. So his boss has taken him to Milan to attend an important eyewear supplier’s presentation where he gets to know Brad and Sue from Bristol. Underline in different colours and add more if possible: • all the phrases you can use for starting a conversation • all the phrases you can use for introducing yourself or other people • all the questions you can use to keep the conversation going Then write down the phrases into your notebook. Tom: Hello, do you mind if I join you? I’m Tom by the way. I’m from Austria. What about you? Brad: Nice meeting you, Tom. My name is Brad. This is Sue. We’re both from Bristol. So, Tom, what company do you work for? Tom: I work for an optician called Forstner. What about you? Brad: I work for Winter&Sons, the company doing the presenta- tion. And Sue, here, she is my boss. I’m her assistant. Sue: Do you have a light, Tom? I’ll just go and have a crafty cigarette outside. Tom: Sorry, Sue. I don’t smoke. Brad: Could you pass me one of those sandwiches? Oh, and do you know where I can find the napkins? Tom: Yes, here you are. The food is delicious, isn’t it? Brad: Yes, these sausage rolls are exquisite. You must try some. Mosaic Look at the picture. What is wrong? Write the correction here. “May I introduce you to our  boss ?” 02 A2–B1 Word bank scrubbed up sich herausmachen light Feuer crafty hier: schnell napkins Servietten delicious köstlich Tip • Don’t hide, don’t walk around looking busy, don’t try to escape from the first boring person who tries to talk to you. • In Britain shake hands with everybody present. • Be punctual! 99 Meeting and greeting 20 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv