zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

The ecological footprint gives information about how many “Earths” we need, if all human beings around the world go on living like they do at the moment. It is based on energy consumption, waste production, eating habits etc. It is also possible to calculate your personal ecological footprint. Find out more about your ecological footprint on the internet. Then, search the internet for an appropriate test. Listen to the conversation between Betty and Stephen and find out which statements are true or false. true false 1. Betty bought apples from Styria. from SouthAmerica 2. The ecological footprint gives information about how many “Earths” we need, if all human beings around the world go on living like they do at the moment. 3. It is based on how much we work. energy consumption, waste production, eating habits 4. At the moment, the people on this world, use the “Earth” one and a half times faster than nature can handle it. 5. Buying apples from SouthAmerica has a positive effect on the Earth’s ecological footprint. negative How often you are doing things that have positive effects on your ecological footprint. Is it: • occasionally (once or twice a week) • often (nearly every day) • rarely (only once in a few weeks) • always (every day) • never? Taking care of our environment Austria has very strict environment regulations, especially for waste management. Talk to a partner and discuss the following questions. 1. What consequences are there when not thinking about the environment in general? 2. What consequences are there when not thinking about the environment related to your work? 3. What does your company do to protect the environment? 4. Do you have special company guidelines for dealing with waste? 5. What ideas do you have to avoid or limit waste in your company? Take notes while you are discussing the questions. Then, make a checklist for your company. With a partner discuss the following statements. Do you agree or disagree? agree disagree 1. A living wage is a human right for everyone worldwide. 2. If CEOs were paid less it would have little impact on worker’s paychecks. 3. Everybody in the Western world receives a living wage. 4. Fair Trade is a form of charity. 5. Fair Trade means more expensive goods for customers. 09 A2–B1 e. g. http://www.earthday.org/takeaction/footprintcalculator/ link may change 10 A2 listening 4n7rj3 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 11 A2–B1 I always separate my waste. 12 B1 13 A2–B1 Word bank living wage Existenzminimum CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Geschäfts­ führer/in impact Auswirkung paycheck Lohn/Gehaltszahlung charity Wohltätigkeit(sorganisation) individual answers Word bank ecological footprint ökologischer Fußabdruck 96 Unit 19 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv