zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Read the ten principles of Fair Trade. Write the number of the suitable statement and the letter of the matching photo under the principle. Use your favourite translation tool to look up the words you don’t know. 1. Creating opportunities for economic- ally disadvantaged producers. Statement  3  , Picture  E 2. Transparency and accountability Statement  5  , Picture  A 3. Fair trading practices Statement  1  , Picture  D 4. Payment of a fair price Statement  8  , Picture  B 5. Ensuring no child labour and forced labour Statement  2  , Picture  J 6. Commitment to non-discrimination, gender equality, women’s economic empowerment, freedom of association Statement  7  , Picture  F 7. Ensuring good working conditions Statement  4  , Picture  C 8. Providing capacity building Statement  6  , Picture  G 9. Promoting Fair Trade Statement  10  , Picture  H 10. Respect for the environment Statement  9  , Picture  I 08 B1 B D F H G E C A 1. The coffee suppliers deliver on time and we pay on time. Contracts are respected. 3. We support small cotton producers, especially family businesses. 5. Our cocoa trading partners have all the relevant information! 7. At our flower farm we don’t discrimin­ ate against anybody with regard to race, caste, origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or anything else. 10. We raise awareness for greater justice in world trade of lemons. 9. We maximize our rice harvest from sustainably managed sources. 8. Men and women are paid equally for their work on our banana plantation. They receive a living wage. 6. We develop beekeeping skills and improve honey making capabilities. 4. Working in the 3D printer filament workshop is safe and healthy! 2. The children learn about tea leaves but they are also kept safe and can play when they want. J I Mosaic Unscramble the words: AFIR TRDAE’S NSSIOIM SI OT DUECER YTVEROP Fair Trade’s mission is to reduce poverty 95 19 Environmental and social issues Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv