zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Listen to Paul and Mary talking about the young woman on the street. Put the sentences in the order you hear them. What do you think? Discuss with a partner. Read these stories and continue the sentences below. (More than one option can be correct.) Josh is 19 and has been homeless for 6 months. During this time he has been sofa surfing and sleeping rough and is currently waiting to access accommodation. He became homeless after he was made redundant from his apprenticeship. He had some savings in the short term but this soon ran out and he could no longer afford his rent. His mum is currently living in hostel accom- modation on her own and he cannot move back in with her. Tina is 18 and has mental health issues including depression and anxiety. She has also self-harmed. While she was growing up she spent periods of time living in care because her parents struggled to cope with her illness as her mum has physical disabilities and health issues herself. After returning home again there was a lot of tension in the house and her parents eventually kicked her out. She sofa surfed with a friend for a few weeks but felt she couldn’t impose on them any longer and became street homeless for a few months. 1. Josh a) has been sleeping on couches, on the streets and in hostels. b) dropped out of school and his parents kicked him out. c) has a mother, but she cannot help him. d) is hoping to find a place to live soon. 2. Tina a) spent some time when growing up living with other people than her parents. b) has physical disabilities and health issues. c) lived with a friend for a few weeks but felt she had overstayed her hospitality. d) lived with a friend for a few weeks but her friend asked her to leave. 06 A2–B1 listening ia6jx8 They spend the money they get from begging on drugs and alcohol. 4 If they are homeless, it is because they want to be. 2 We should help people who can’t help them­ selves.  1 They could easily get a job if they wanted one. 6 They get plenty of money from the government. 3 Many homeless youths have physical or mental problems.  5 07 A2–B1 Word bank homeless obdachlos sleeping rough auf der Straße leben access accomodation Unterkunft in Anspruch nehmen redundant arbeitslos mental health issues psychische Gesund­ heitsprobleme self-harm sich selbst verletzen in care in Pflege kicked out hinausgeschmissen impose zur Last fallen ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 94 Unit 19 Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv