zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Environmental issues: label the pictures with the correct heading. logistics green infrastructure pollution during production water conservation green energy logistics supply chain/purchasing A B C supply chain/purchasing pollution during production green infrastructure D E F green energy water conservation logistics Companies and shops can do a lot to make the world a better place. In this environment checklist, match the statements with the issues mentioned above. Put the correct letter next to each. The product ingredients/materials come from sustainable sources. A There is little or no pollution during the manufacturing process. B No human rights issues are being violated (child labour, forced labour). A Customers and staff can travel there by public transport. C Heating/air conditioning is run on sustainable energy. D Transportation routes and scheduling have been improved. F Toilets and taps are not leaking. E 01 A2 02 A2–B1 Word bank 01 environmental Umwelt­ issue Thema, Frage, Problem pollution Verschmutzung supply chain Lieferkette purchasing Einkauf 02 sustainable nachhaltig manufacturing process Herstellungs­ prozess human rights issues Menschenrechts­ fragen violated verletzt forced labour Zwangsarbeit scheduling Terminplanung tap Wasserhahn Environmental and social issues Stephen is a good friend of Betty, but when he saw her throwing plastic bottles into the residual waste skip, he became angry: “Don’t you care about the environment!” What do you think about this? Would it help the environment to separate waste? What is the practice in your company? 92 Unit 19 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv