zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Your boss has invited a trainer to practice better performance in customer dialogues: Which of the following statements would the trainer promote? Discuss with a partner: true false 1. Always agree, even if a customer is totally wrong. 2. Take initiative and do your best to solve the customer’s problem. 3. An unhappy customer is a waste of time and money. 4. Always stay positive and don’t become insulting regardless of how negative the customer is. 5. Always stick to time schedules or inform the customer as soon as possible. Choose one of the pictures from task 01 and prepare a role play. Work in groups of two or three. Explain the starting point, create a story around the customer contact shown and present the role play to your classmates. Listen to the conversation between two upset customers and the person in charge of customer complaints. Find out what the problem was and write it into the boxes below. 1. The representative was late, unfriendly and 2. The service was going to be late because the smelled of cigarette smoke and alcohol. material sent by a supplier from Germany had arrived at the service company badly damaged. Sometimes the slogan “the customer is always right” is wrong. Work with a partner. Have you ever been in a difficult situation with a customer? • What happened? • How did you react? • What could you do better next time? Choose one of these sentences and explain its meaning. Write 80–100 words. 11 A2–B1 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 12 A2–B1 13 A2–B1 listening tb4v32 14 B1 Some customers are just plain wrong. My boss shouldn’t criticise me in front of customers. This customer is really rude. 15 B1 1. The product is secondary to the storytelling. (Zosia Mamet) 2. The average unhappy customer will tell 10 people about the poor service he or she received. 90 Unit 18 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv