zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Describe the following safety signs and explain their meanings. Look at the two pictures below and describe them. Write at least ten sentences into your exercise book. Compare your text with a partner. 08 A2 Sample solutions see task 02 and 03 and 05. 09 A2 individual answers Inform a new colleague about safety rules and regulations in your company. Work in groups and give a short overview of the most important rules and regulations. Prepare a chart and present it to your colleagues. Tell your supervisor about a serious accident that has happened in your company. The words and phrases in the box will give you more information about what might have happened. You can also choose your own story. Write a dialogue together with a partner. did not follow the instructions walked under a suspended load hit by a metal bar  injured ambulance first aid sign medical kit was lucky leg broken Act out the above situation. Remember the three Cs and write down their meaning. Integrate the three Cs in the role play. • Check  the situation • Call  an ambulance • Care  for the person 10 B1 individual answers 11 A2–B1 individual answers 12 A2 84 Unit 17 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv