zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Improve this business letter: Listen to the conversation between Hannes and his colleague about writing a letter to a customer. Dear Miss  Ms  Hummer, With reference to our talk  telephone conversation  two days ago  on 3 March 201x  , I want  would like  to send you references including pictures. I hope to convince you of the quality of our services. Call me if you have questions.  Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Hear you soon,  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon All the best,  Yours sincerely, Hannes Gruber Die Peter Handwerker Gruppe Now write your own business letter. Choose a product your company would like to order from a British supplier. Two weeks after a trade fair your company receives the following email from an upset customer: Your boss asks you to answer it. Brainstorm possible phrases with a partner and write an answer. Send an offer with the main products of your company. Use the opportunity to present your company! Don’t forget an appropriate salutation and a polite ending! Work with a partner and try to find some interesting suppliers on the internet. Agree on some products your company could use. Take a look at their websites and find out: • Where are they located? • What are their terms of delivery? Do they offer delivery to Austria? • What currency do they use? • What are their terms of payment? • Can you find some customer reviews? Are they positive or negative? 09 A2 listening sb5fg6 10 A2–B1 11 A2–B1 Dear Mr Mayer, We visited your stand at the recent trade fair. You promised to send an offer. Please let us know, if you have any further questions and if you are still interested in the job. Best regards, Sandra and Peter Miller Enquiry Subject: 12 A2–B1 78 Unit 16 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv