zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Business communication requires a lot of phrases: Match the English phrases to their German translation and find out which part of a business letter it belongs to. salutation Dear Mrs (name), /Mr (name), /Ms (name), Wir legen unser Angebot gemäß ihren Anforderungen bei. letter content Thank you for your interest in our company. Sehr geehrte Frau (Name) / geehrter Herr (Name), letter content We enclose our offer according to your specifications. Den Besuch eines Vertreters würden wir sehr begrüßen. complimentary close Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Bitte senden Sie uns Ihren aktuellen Katalog / eine Preisliste. letter content We would appreciate a visit of a representative. Danke für Ihr Interesse an unserem Unternehmen. letter content This offer is subject to confirmation. Wir freuen uns bald von Ihnen zu hören. letter content Please send us your latest catalogue / a price list. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren. complimentary close We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Hochachtungsvoll /Mit freundlichen Grüßen signature block Yours sincerely, / Best regards, Dieses Angebot ist freibleibend. There are set phrases that go with each function. Can you match them up correctly? Discuss with your partner. A = Enquiries B = Ordering C = Writing an offer D = Delivery and payment 1. A We can see from your catalogue that … 2. B Thank you very much for your offer of … 3. C Thank you for your enquiry of … 4. D We also accept payment in advance/in instalments. 5. B We would like to place the following order … 6. D We will dispatch the goods by air freight/train/ship. 7. A Please send us your latest catalogue and price list. 8. B  We accept your terms and conditions of business. 9. C We are willing to offer you a discount of … % off the total price of this order. 10. A Please also inform us about any discounts you offer. 11. C We are pleased to send you the following offer. 12. A Please let us know about your terms of delivery and payment. 13. A (+C) We look forward to hearing from you, soon. 14. C We would be pleased to receive your order. 05 A2–B1 06 A2–B1 Word bank on receipt of goods bei Erhalt der Ware on receipt of invoice bei Erhalt der Rechnung payment in advance Zahlung im Voraus in instalments in Raten range of products Sortiment dispatch verschicken after receipt of order nach Auftrags­ eingang air freight Luftfracht terms and conditions of business Geschäftsbedingungen terms of delivery Lieferbedienungen terms of payment Zahlungsbedingungen settlement within … Begleichen der Rechnung innerhalb … terms and conditions of business Geschäftsbedingungen 76 Unit 16 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv