zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

zielsicher – English Unit Topics Skills S: = Speaking W: = Writing R: = Reading L: = Listening Page 14 Eating out Different types of meals and categories in the menu At the restaurant S: ·· I can order meals at a restaurant and ask for the bill. 04 ·· I can complain about the food at a restaurant. 05 66 W: ·· I can write an email about eating out in Austria. 06 R: ·· I can read a menu. 02 ·· I can understand phrases for complaining and asking for information. 05 L: ·· I can understand conversations at the restaurant. 02 15 Getting help Illnesses and accidents What to do in an emergency At the hospital At the police station Asking for and giving directions S: ·· I can make a police report. 04 ·· I can ask for and give directions. 07 70 W: ·· I can describe the content of a first aid kit. 03 ·· I can write about unpleasant things that may happen to a traveller. 05 R: ·· I can understand a text about what to do if your wallet is stolen. 04 ·· I can read a map. 07 L: ·· I can understand the story of a person who gets sick abroad. 02 ·· I can understand directions. 07 16 Pep-up your writing style! Workflow of a business transaction Letter and email writing basics Filling out an online enquiry form Social media platforms S: ·· I can describe the different parts of a business letter. 06 74 W: ·· I can write an enquiry and fill out the enquiry form. 07 ·· I can write down some information for my company’s social media page. 08 ·· I can write an order. 10 ·· I can write an answer to an enquiry. 11 R: ·· I can understand a text about the workflow of a business transaction. 01 ·· I can understand a business letter. 03 ·· I can understand phrases of business communication. 05 L: ·· I can understand a dialogue about improving a letter. 09 17 Are you safe at work? The different categories of safety signs What to do in case of an accident How to prevent accidents from happening Safe handling of hazardous materials S: ·· I can report about the rules and regulations in my company. 10 ·· I can act out a role play about an accident at work. 12 80 W: ·· I can write a description of an accident at work. 11 R: ·· I can understand a text about different safety signs. 02 ·· I can understand a text about the safe handling of hazardous materials. 05 ·· I can understand a checklist about safety at work. 07 L: ·· I can understand a supervisor giving safety instructions. 03, 04 18 Dealing with customers Rules about how to deal with customers Personal characteristics that are important when dealing with customers The four stages of a sales talk Dealing with complaints S: ·· I can describe different situations with customers. 01 ·· I can talk about how to practice better performance in customer dialogues. 11 ·· I can act out a role play between a customer and a company representative. 08, 13 ·· I can talk about a difficult situation with a customer. 14 86 W: ·· I can write down rules about how to deal with customers. 02 ·· I can write down situations in which I have contact with customers or business partners. 03 ·· I can create a mind map about personal characteristics that are important when dealing with customers. 04 ·· I can write a short text about how to deal with customers. 15 R: ·· I can understand a text about how to deal with customers. 02 ·· I can read phrases for dealing with customers. 06, 09 L: ·· I can understand a conversation between the boss of a metalworking company and a customer. 07 ·· I can understand a conversation between a complaining customer and a company representative. 13 6 Nur u Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv