zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Describe where you feel at home in three sentences. individual answers What is the difference between cultural identity and nationality ? a) Cultural identity is always about where you live. b) Your nationality comes from the country where you are a citizen c) Cultural identity is about traditions belonging to a specific group. Countries, nationalities and languages. Complete the table. Country Nationality Language Austria Austrian German Bosnia Bosnian Bosnian Croatia Croatian Croatian Hungary Hungarian Hungarian Poland Polish Polish Serbia Serbian Serbian Turkey Turkish Turkish United Kingdom British English Label the rooms of this flat. 10 A1–A2 11 A2 ✗ ✗ 12 A2 13 A2 dining area bedroom living room toilet storage/closet storage/closet hallway kitchen bathroom What I can now do: ●● I can describe where I feel at home.  ➤ 10 Ich kann beschreiben wo ich mich zu Hause fühle. ●● I know the difference between cultural identity and nationality.  ➤ 11 Ich kenne den Unterschied zwischen kultureller Identität und Staatsangehörigkeit. ●● I can list countries, nationalities and the languages they speak.  ➤ 12 Ich kann verschiedenen Staaten, Nationalitäten und Sprachen auflisten. ●● I can label the rooms of an apartment.  ➤ 13 Ich kann die Räume einer Wohnung benennen. 8 Feeling at home Check yourself 41 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv