zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Can you think of more nationalities and languages? Collect them on the blackboard. What about your class? How many different languages do you speak? Make a chart. Create a map of Europe. Your teacher will provide you a set of cards with all the European countries on them. Put them on the floor and design a map. Then ask where different countries are located. With a partner, try to label the rooms in this flat. • Can you find the entrance to the flat? Circle it. • How many people do you think could live in this apartment comfortably? Draw a floor plan of your flat/house. Describe the rooms and, if you want, also the furniture inside. The big picture game Your teacher will give you three sticky notes. First label them. Then stick them to the blackboard or a wall. Then take a sticky note from each category and try to find the person it belongs to. Someone will also be looking for you during the game! What does the big picture game tell you about your classmates? About yourself? 05 A2 06 A2 Tip More useful phrases: • east/west/north/south of … • Eastern/Western/Northern/Southern Europe • between … and … cards online Austria is in Central Europe to the south of Germany. Where is Austria located? 07 A2 dining area kitchen bedroom living room storage/closet bathroom toilet hallway bedroom bathroom kitchen living room hallway storage/closet toilet dining area Tip Floors of a house attic roof roof ground floor first floor second floor cellar basement first floor British English American English 08 A2 Useful phrases: to the left, to the right, next to, opposite to, between 09 A2–B1 C On the third sticky note, write the name of a place where one of your grandparents grew up. A Draw a picture of something that reminds you of home on the first sticky note. B Write the name of your hometown on the second note. 40 Unit 8 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv