zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Where do you feel at home? Work with a partner and discuss the place where you live and where you feel at home. Are these possibly two different places or is it the people you live with? Note down your thoughts on the left side and your partners’ thoughts on the right side. Where I feel at home Where my partner feels at home “Nationality” or “cultural identity”? Listen to Andrea, Manuel and Elif talking about their family traditions and complete the text. festivals nationality family martial arts cultures Malaysia Turkish baklava Andrea All three students have Austrian  nationality  but they each identify with different  cultures  .  Andrea  misses the colourful  festivals  after the cattle drive. Manuel enjoys practicing  martial arts  from  Malaysia  with his family. Elif’s favourite dessert,  baklava  , is made following her  Turkish  grandmother’s recipe. They are all Aus­ trian citizens, but their families have roots in other countries as well. What is something that all of these traditions have in common?  family 01 A1–A2 Word bank citizen Staatsbürger nationality Nationalität identity Identität 02 cattle drive Almabtrieb martial arts Kampfsport recipe Rezept individual answers 02 A2 listening m6g78m Feeling at home The other day the teacher asked where the students came from. “I am Serbian”, Bojan said, “I am Turkish” Mehmet added. “How come?” asks Maria, “you all are Austrian citizens!” Why did they give this answer? What do the words “nationality” and “identity” mean to you? 38 Unit 8 I’m Serbian. I’m Austrian. I’m Turkish. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv