zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Valentin is in the store with his shopping list, he needs help from an assistant (A). First read, then listen to the conversation and fill in the missing words. V: Excuse me, do you work here? A: Yes,  good morning  . How can I help you? V: I’m looking for a  shopping trolley  , where can I find one? A: They are at the other end of this aisle. But I have one here that’s free, if you like. Please take it. V: Thanks, that is very kind of you. A: No problem  , can I do anything else for you? V: I need some  tool accessories  , like  nails  , screws and cutter blades. A: Sure, follow me please. Cutter blades will be delivered in about an hour. Which and how many nails do you need? V: Okay. Let me have a look – four boxes of these nails and five packets of these screws. Thanks. For myself, I still need a pair of goggles and gloves. Also, how much is a good  soft head hammer  ? A: The safety equipment is around the corner. Please follow me. Here are hammers, this one is on sale. It costs £38. V: Great, I’ll take it. Finally I need some  sheet metal  . A: We have our own section at the back. Let me show you. V: I see, I’ll need some time to choose. That’s all then, for now. A: Take your time! You’ll find the  checkout  right over there when you’re ready. Do you have a loyalty card? V: Yes, my company has one. You’ve been most helpful. A: My pleasure, good bye. Have a nice day! Valentin meets his foreman back at the car. Answer his questions. 1. You’re back soon. How were you so fast? A shop assistant helped me. 2. Could you get everything? No, the cutter blades will be delivered in an hour. I have got everything else, though. 3. Did you buy your missing safety equipment, too? Yes, I now have a pair of goggles and gloves. Mosaic What could these people be saying? 03 B1 listening r5ti9p Word bank at the other end am anderen Ende aisle Gang very kind sehr freundlich tool accessories Eisenwaren which and how many welche und wie viele pair of goggles Schutzbrille gloves Handschuhe safety equipment Sicherheitsausstattung around the corner ums Eck That’s all then. Das ist alles. loyalty card Kundenkarte My pleasure. Gern geschehen! Grammar at your fingertips: • many is used for countable nouns (zählbare Begriffe), e.g. pencils, screwdrivers, … • much is used for uncountable nouns (unzählbare Begriffe), e.g. water, wood, … 04 B1 35 Shopping 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv