zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Who and what is mostly involved when shopping? Do you know the vocabulary in English? Fill in the boxes below in English. Kunde/Kundin Verkäufer/in Kasse customer seller/shop assistant checkout/cashier desk/till Barzahlung Bankomatzahlung Kreditkartenzahlung payment in cash bank/debit card payment credit card payment Retourgeld Einkaufswagen Rechnung change shopping trolley receipt Here are some shopping phrases in English. With a partner, can you translate them into German? Could you help me, I’m looking for a … Können Sie mir helfen, ich suche … How much is this/are these? Wie viel kostet das/kosten diese? Do you sell …/Have you got any …? Verkaufen Sie …/Haben Sie …? This is on special offer/in the sale. Es ist im Angebot/Abverkauf. Will that be cash or by card? Wollen Sie bar oder mit Karte zahlen? That’s all – here you are. Das wäre alles – bitte (hier haben Sie). 01 A2 02 A2 Shopping Valentin has taken the chance to spend three months in Scotland with an international apprentice exchange programme. Today, he is allowed to accompany his foreman to a building site, for the first time. On the way, they stop at a hardware store to buy some necessary equipment, they split up, so they are faster. So far, he has only ever shopped for food or a TShirt. Will he also manage to buy equipment? How is it done in your company? Do you sometimes have to go out and buy something? Or is everything delivered? 34 Unit 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv