zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

What are they doing? Explain to your partner what is happening in these pictures. What can you see? At what time do you think the pictures were taken? For your portfolio: Describe your own working day, like Ellis for his cousin. What are your duties and the personal skills needed? How do you get started in the morning? Are you quite tired in the evening? Don’t forget a final sentence! 08 A2 Grammar at your fingertips: Present continuous tense • If you are explaining what you can see in a picture, you must always use the present continuous tense. • Signal words: now, right now, at the moment, Look!, Listen! • How to form: Subject + to be + base + ing The foreman is showing … The apprentices are working … Example: What is the foreman showing to the ap- prentices in picture 2? The foreman is showing how to use a column drill, he is not showing … Present simple tense • For talking about daily routines use the present simple tense. • Signal words: sometimes, usually, of- ten, always, never, normally • In the third person singular present verbs always end in -s : he want s , she need s , he give s , she ha s , he teach es , she go es , it is , he ha s fin­ ished, she ha s left Example: I usually get up at 6 o’clock. not I’m usually getting up at … 1 4 6 2 5 3 09 A2–B1 Mosaic Which type of morning person are you? Coffeecoffee­ coffeecoffee! Don’t ask me any difficult questions. The early bird catches the worm. Grrrrrr, don’t talk to me! The regular The coffee addict The morning person The grumpus 31 6 My working day Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv