zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Read this text about Ellis’s duties, personal skills and the tools he uses. I’m a trainee metal worker at a small locksmith’s company with six employ- ees plus my boss. My main duty is getting to know the different materi- als, tools and how to use them correctly. Every morning at 8:00 a.m. my boss tells me about the plan for my working day. So far, I have worked a lot with iron and lead. When cutting the material with a hacksaw, I fix it using a bench vice but I still need a lot of strength! This week I started working with tin and aluminium. At 10:15 a.m., we have our first break for 15 minutes (the after- noon one is around 3:00 p.m.). I usually drink a coffee during the breaks, because when using measur- ing instruments, like callipers or micrometers, I have to be very accurate. The lunch break is from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. All of us go together to a canteen down the street. I often have to file for hours, which is sometimes boring, but necessary to develop a feeling. I’m looking forward to being allowed to work with the big machines. I’m hard working and self-motivated. Because I have to stand on my feet all day long, I also need to be physically fit. My boss thinks that I’m very skilled with my hands. That makes me feel proud! I work in a team, where it is necessary to possess a polite and helpful manner, too. In the evening from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., I have to help clean up, e.g. my workbench. After tool-clean- ing we all have to tidy up the workshop. Apart from this, I really love my job. Write Ellis’s duties, personal skills and the tools used under the correct headings. duties personal skills tools & materials getting to know and learning the right usage of materials and tools cutting measuring filing cleaning tidying up being strong being accurate hard working selfmotivated being physically fit having skilled hands polite and helpful manner iron, lead, tin, aluminium hacksaw bench vice micrometer, callipers workbench metal press, CNClathe 06 A2 Word bank trainee metal worker Metalltechniklehrling locksmith’s Schlosserei employee Mitarbeiter/in iron Eisen lead Blei hacksaw Metallbügelsäge bench vice Schraubstock tin Zinn measuring instrument Messgerät callipers Messschieber micrometer Mikrometer accurate genau, exakt self-motivated selbstmotiviert physically körperlich skilled geschickt proud stolz possess sth. etwas besitzen polite höflich workbench Werkbank 07 A2 30 Unit 6 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv