zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

The tools in your company. Work with a partner. Do you remember the first tool you have ever used? individual answers What did you use it for? Don’t show your answers to your partner. Describe the tool. Explain what it looks like and how and when it is used. Take turns. Now draw the tool your partner describes into the box below. Check with your partner if you drew the correct tool. The “tool charts”: What are the most important tools in your class? First, discuss with a partner how often you use the tools on page 24. Then choose six tools in total. The two you often use get 3 points, the two you sometimes use get 2 points and the two you rarely use get 1 point. Communicate your voting to the class and make a list on the blackboard. In the end you’ll get the “tool charts”. Listen and find out which tools these apprentices are talking about? Tom Lilly David spirit level portable drilling machine circular saw Describe your life as a … tool Imagine you are a living tool in your company. Describe how you spend your day. What do you like and what don’t you like about your life. Include your personal feelings and wishes for the future. Be creative! 04 A2–B1 Tip Describing things • Describing size and shape: It’s round/square/long/flat/… It’s made of metal/plastic/wood/rubber/… It’s about this big. (show it with your hands) It’s the same size as a … (thing) It is usually white/grey/silver/… • Describing what you need it for: You use it for repairing …/opening bottles/… It helps you (to) … It stops you from …(-ing) You use it with a … 05 A2 I often/sometimes/rarely/ never use a screwdriver. How often do you use a screwdriver? Word bank 06 bubble Blase tube Rohr centred in der Mitte horizontal waagrecht vertical senkrecht portable tragbar power driven durch einen Motor angetrieben hammer-drill Schlagbohrmaschine drill bit Bohrer/Bohrerbit screw Schraube firm fest apply anwenden pressure Druck metal blade Metallklinge abrasive wheel Trennscheibe protected geschützt 06 A2–B1 listening mr3eu7 07 B1 Grammar at your fingertips: • Adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes, often) come between the subject and the verb. • Example: I always keep the shop floor clean. 26 Unit Interaction 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv