zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Translate the following key words. global player Weltkonzern affiliated company Tochtergesellschaft skilled worker Facharbeiter/in local trade lokaler Gewerbebetrieb Konzernzentrale headquarters subcontractor Subunternehmen Angestellte(r) employee familyowned in Familienbesitz What kind of projects might companies get involved in? Name three and write full sentences. They produce export commodities such as machinery, motor vehicles and parts, paper, steel products, chemicals, textiles or food. Companies in the construction business use timber construction technology or build power plants or bridges. Companies in the metal industry produce precision steel or aluminium sheets. Local trades support all kinds of private and public construction andprovide various highquality goods and services. What is the difference between being a “global player” or a “local trade”. Global players have projects in different countries and have many employees. Local trades only have a few employees and operate mostly in Austria. Can you give five key facts about the company you work for? individual answer; Example: Familyowned, mediumsized company, 35 employees, 2 apprentices, specialises in painting and coating technology 10 A1 11 A2 12 A2–B1 13 A2 What I can now do: ●● I know some key words for talking about the Austrian industry and trades.  ➤ 10 Ich kenne Schlüsselwörter, um über die österreichische Industrie und das Gewerbe zu sprechen. ●● I can list projects that companies might get involved in.  ➤ 11 Ich kann Projekte nennen, an denen österreichische Firmen beteiligt sind. ●● I can explain the difference between a global player and a local trade.  ➤ 12 Ich kann den Unterschied zwischen einem Weltkonzern und einem Gewerbebetrieb beschreiben. ●● I can present the key facts of the company I work for.  ➤ 13 Ich kann die wichtigsten Fakten über meine Firma präsentieren. 4 This is the company I work for Check yourself 23 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv