zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Professions at vocational school Use your favourite translation tool and match the English and German words. baker chimney sweep EDP system engineer fitness coach florist garden and park designer glass building engineer  gold- and silversmith and jeweller joiner optician painter photographer Augenoptiker/in Bäcker/in Fitnessbetreuer/in Glasbautechniker/in optician baker fitness coach glass building engineer Berufsfotograf/in Landschaftsgärtner/in Florist/in EDVSystemtechniker/in photographer garden and park designer florist EDP system engineer Maler/in Tischler/in Goldund Silberschmied/in Rauchfangkehrer/in painter joiner gold and silversmith and jeweller chimney sweep Mosaic Find the right way. 03 A2 painter baker joiner 13 Welcome to vocational school! 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv