zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Unit 12 10. 1.F, 2.D, 3.A, 4.C, 5.B 11. 1. confront, 2. ignore, 3. discuss, 4. mediate, 5. discuss and confront 12. 4315762 13. 2), 3) Unit 13 15. any of the activities listed in task 01 16. 1.B, 2.A, 3.E, 4.C, 5.D 17. 1. 23; 2. The flight is delayed.; 3. AA589; 4. Newark 18. 1.C, 2.D, 3.B, 4.G, 5.F, 6.E, 7.A Unit 14 07. Starters/Appetizers: soup, salad, samosas, stirfried vegetables Main courses: pizza, falafel sandwich, fish & chips, burger, pot pie, chicken breast, trout Desserts: yogurt, fruit, sherry trifle, Bakewell tart, junior cheesecake, sponge cake 08. 1. I’d like to order something to drink. 2. Can we have the bill please? 3. No thank you, I’m sweet enough. 4. Do you have a table for four please? 5. I’m sorry, but that was just not very good. 09. 13582467 Unit 15 08. I have a sore throat. I have chills and my body aches. I have a bruised leg. I have an eye infection 09. c) 10. travel, covers, treatment/care, expensive, hospital/emergency room, doctor, prescription 11. 12. St. Chad’s Cathedral Unit 16 12. 1. enquiry , 2. offer. 3. order, 4. invoice 13. 1. a) 2. b) 14. Thank you for your interest in our company. We enclose our offer according to your specifications. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Could you send us your latest catalogue and pricelist, please? 15. individual answer; Example: Dear Ms and Mr XY, Thank you for your enquiry and your interest in our company. We would like to invite you to our show room and would be pleased to show you our products and services. Please tell us when you would like to come. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, YX 123 Solutions for the Check yourself-pages Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv