zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Unit 9 11. 1. Show up in appropriate working trousers and safety boots. 2. Listen carefully to the instructions given by the teacher. 3. Do not use a machine without being authorized. 12. 13. 1. Excuse me, have you seen my saw? 2. Could you please help me? 3. May I ask you a favour? 4. Are you still using the screwdriver? 14. 1. protective boots 2. safety helmet 3. protective goggles 4. ear protectors Unit 10 08. Only with the company name followed by “Good morning/afternoon/evening …” 09. ANTON GLAS … N for Norway, T for tree, O for orange, N for Norway, G for George, L for London, A for apple, S for sugar NEUNKIRCHEN e.g. N for North Pole, E for Elizabeth, U for underground, N for North Pole, K for Kennedy, I for island, R for Robert, C for Charles, H for Holland, E for Elizabeth, N for North Pole 10. Individual answers. Example: Mr Miller has called today at 8:30 in the morning. Please call him back, it’s urgent. The material cannot be delivered today because of logistic problems. 11. I’d like to speak to …, please. Hold the line, please. I’m sorry, but he’s not in today. Sorry, the line’s engaged at the moment. I’m afraid he’s in a meeting. Would you like to leave a message? Could you speak up, the line’s very bad. Could you spell that, please? I’ll give him the message when he returns. Unit 11 15. physical, mental, social wellbeing 16. smoking, drinking alcohol, not doing sports, eating too much fast food, spending too much time in front of the computer or smart phone 17. saturated fat unhealthy , sugar unhealthy , processed food unhealthy , fast food unhealthy , vegetables healthy , noodles unhealthy , too much or processed meat unhealthy , nuts healthy , fruit healthy 18. structure, mind map, eat nuts, don’t drink alcohol, take breaks, relax 19. relax, take a break, make a priority list, meet friends, talk to someone Ask yourself what’s important and what’s not. Don’t let anything or anyone “make” you feel anything negative. What I can now do: ●● I can name workshop rules. ➤ 11 Ich kann Werkstattvorschriften nennen. ●● I can name small talk topics. ➤ 12 Ich kann Small Talk Themen nennen. ●● I can ask polite questions. ➤ 13 Ich kann höfliche Fragen formulieren. ●● I can identify safety equipment. ➤ 14 Ich kann Sicherheitsausrüstung definieren. Name three important workshop rules. 1. I must show up in appropriate working trousers and safety boots. 2. I should listen carefully to the instructions given by the teacher. 3. I must not use a machine without being authorized. When doing small talk, you might communicate with someone about … Find the hidden topics. (only from left to right) A W E A T H E R U N E W S N E B A S P O R T S V E D G I A C O M P A N Y D O R S I G H T S I N C A R S W I H O B B I E S U J O B X F O O D O C O U N T R Y H T P E O P L E O G F A N D H E R E S T A U R A N T S Ask polite questions to the given answers. 1. Exc se me, have you seen my saw? Yes, I have. The saw is on the workbench. 2. Could you please help me? Sorry, I am busy at the moment. 3. May I ask you a favour? Sure, how can I help? 4. Are you still using the screwdriver? No, please take it! Fill in the missing words. 1. I must wear protective boots to protect my feet from injuries. 2 I h ve to wear a safety helmet to protect my head from falling objects. 3. I should wear protective goggles to protect my eyes from dust. 4. I need to wear ear protectors to protect my ears from damage through loud noises. 11 A2 12 A2 13 A2 14 A2 Check yourself 45 122 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv