zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Solutions for the Check yourself-pages Unit 1 09. individual answer: I am a multitasker. I am good at maths. I am openminded. 10. individual answer 11. 1.E, 2.D, 3.A, 4.B, 5.C 12. a) Unit 2 11. a), c), d), e), g) 12. individual answers 13. 1.B, 2.A, 3.D, 4.C 14. Example: The name and address of my school is … In my school there are XX students in total. The name of the headmaster is … In my class, there are XX students. My school offers courses for XX professions. It was founded in XXXX. Unit 3 11. individual answers 12. individual answers 13. a), b), c), f) 14. 1.C, 2.D, 3.B, 4.A 15. 1.C, 2.D, 3.A, 4.B Unit 4 10. linke Spalte: Weltkonzern, Facharbeiter, headquarters, employee rechte Spalte: Tochtergesellschaft, lokaler Gewerbebetrieb, Subunternehmen, in Familienbesitz 11. They produce export commodities such as machinery, motor vehicles and parts, paper, steel products, chemicals, textiles or food. Companies in the construction business use timber construction technology or build power plants or bridges. Companies in the metal industry produce precision steel or aluminium sheets. Local trades support all kinds of private and public construction and provide various highquality goods and services. 12. Global players have projects in different countries and have many employees. Local trades only have a few employees and operate mostly in Austria. 13. individual answer; Example: Familyowned, mediumsized company, 35 employees, 2 apprentices, specialises in painting and coating technology Unit 5 08. et d/ your ) r: ing Do the crossword! 1 2 J A I 3 N 4 G S G 4 F I L E S P L 5 O A I E H L 6 C R O W B A R G A D I R M I 8 T I M 7 H A N D S A W 10 L N 11 E G P 12 9 S C R E W D R I V E R R A B H V E I U N R 13 P I P E W R E N C H L N U S L E 14 T A P E M E A S U R E R R H 15 L A D D E R Complete the sentences. 1. A screwdriver is used to fasten or loosen screws. 08 A2 Across: 4 Feile 6 Brecheisen 7 Handsäge 9 Schraubenzieher 13 Rohrzange 14 Rollmaßband 15 Leiter Down: 1 Stichsäge 2 Winkelschleifer 3 Wasserwaage 4 Maßstab 5 Hammer 10 Meißel 11 Schraubstock 12 Pinsel 09 A2–B1 Tools Check yourself 5 120 zielsicher – English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv