zielsicher Englisch, Allgemeine Ausgabe, Schulbuch

Listen and decide whether the person is talking to a colleague, a customer or a friend. Situation 1:  customer Situation 2:  colleague Situation 3:  friend Read the following text about etiquette in Austria. Discuss if the points listed are true. Think about other countries. Do they have the same etiquette? Choose different countries and create a collage of the etiquettes found there. Etiquette in Austria •• When greeting a person, a firm, quick handshake is done. •• The greeting person always keeps eye contact. •• Some older gentlemen may kiss the hand of a female. •• Women often kiss men on their cheek, men never do so with other men. •• Titles are very important and express respect. Always greet using the person’s title and his/her surname before being allowed to use the first name. •• When entering a room shake hands with everyone individually. Work with a partner and decide if the phrases are for breaking the ice or for leaving a conversation in a polite way. ice-breaker leaving a conversation  1. Excuse me, do you have a light?  2. I’m really sorry, but I’ve just had an urgenttext from my husband, so I need to go outside and call him.  3. It was very nice meeting you. Let me give you my card.  4. Hello. My name’s …. Is it okay if I join your group?  5. Could you pass me the milk, please?  6. Well, it was a pleasuremeeting you. Enjoy the rest of the presentation.  7. And what about you? Where are you from?  8. Right, so if you’ll excuse me, I want to go and talk to a couple of other people.  9. Is this your first presentation at the conference? 10. Did you enjoy this morning’s presentation? 11. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to talk later. 12. Sorry, do you mind if I join you? 13. Well, I’ve just spotted someone that I need to speak to urgently. 14. I’ll email you when I get back home, so we can stay in touch. Now practise a conversation with a partner. First, start the conversation with some icebreakers. One of you keeps on talking, the other one wants to leave the conversation being as polite as possible. Then change roles. 03 A2 listening 8ub9wq 04 B1 05 A2–B1 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 06 A2–B1 100 Unit 20 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv