Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

92 Key 4. However, forcing companies to disclose their salary policies would certainly be better than not doing anything. 5. Women in the public sector earn as much as men, but they are often disadvantaged because of household duties which are not shared equally by their partners. 6. Compared to male managers, women in higher managerial positions in the private sector earn considerably less. Giving explanations Beispielantworten 1. Gender pay gap: This term describes a situation where men and women who do the same jobs earn different amounts of money. This means that women are disadvantaged and have to work for less money than men. In the long run, women’s pensions are also lower and that means that more women than men are faced with poverty when they are old. 2. Universal basic income: The principle of universal basic income schemes is that people get a regular allowance from the state without working. For many people this would alleviate the pressure to work or to worry about work if they are unemployed or unfit to work. However, money is one of the biggest rewards for people who work. Not having to work to get a regular income might be the reason why people do not to work at all, which means that the cost for the state and the taxpayer would rise enormously. Topic 18 (Key) Brexit: What it is all about Beispielantworten 1. EU membership fee All EU countries pay to be members. In return, they get access to special ways of working together. 2. Single market The idea of the single market is that countries can trade with one another, and people can move around freely, as if we were all living together in one big country. The aim is to increase trade between countries, creating jobs and lowering prices. 3. The euro The EU has its own currency (the euro, although the UK doesn’t use this, as it stuck to its own pounds and pence). 4. The original idea why the European Project was started The EU and its forerunner organisations were set up after World War II with the idea that if countries work together, they are unlikely to go to war again. 5. Criticism of EU rules and standards The European Parliament decides on many rules and standards that EU countries have to follow, and critics felt that the UK was losing control of its own affairs and laws. 6. Free movement The free movement rule allows people in the EU to move to any other EU country without needing special permission (a visa). Simplifying vocabulary referendum: people voted the European Union: a club of European countries membership fee: each of these countries pays to be a member a “single market”: as if we were all living together in one big country our own currency: our own pounds and pence it was good for businesses and trade: it was easier for us to sell things the free movement rule: people in the EU are allowed to move to any other EU country without needing special permission (a visa) Transforming nouns into constructions with verbs Beispielantworten explanation: They explain something. trade: They buy and sell things, they trade in something. contribution: They contribute to something, they pay into something. movement: They go from one place to another, they move from one place to another. membership: They are members of a club, they are in a club. in return: They get something back. elections: They go to the polls. permission: They are allowed/permitted to do something. participation: They participate/take part in something. How to avoid repetitions Beispielantworten 1. A lot of people felt that they did not get enough in return for their contributions. 4  1  2  3  4  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv