Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

91 3. definitely 4. totally 5. repetitive 6. entirely 7. incredibly 8. deep 9. clever 10. dumb Topic 17 (Key) Pressure on women in employment Beispielantworten 1. Men: decision-makers, breadwinners Women: carers, homemakers 2. Because there are a lot of women who need jobs that are compatible with their lifestyle (e.g. children, care for the elderly). 3. In general terms: low-paid, insecure, unsafe jobs, jobs in the informal economy without social protection, part-time, casual, underpaid jobs According to economic sectors: teaching, nursing, healthcare, office and administrative work, sales and services, agriculture, textile industry 4. Many of them are working poor (= They have a job, but they can hardly make a living.). They are often dismissed/driven out of work/ demoted (= opposite of promoted ) after pregnancies. Many women retire into poverty. Many receive only low pensions. Prepositions: Benefit or burden? Cities trying out universal basic income b) Cities around the world are experimenting with basic income schemes. Funded by (1) the provincial government of Ontario, Canada, a pilot scheme in Hamilton is testing whether a basic income for all 1,000 participating individuals is more effective in (2) reducing poverty than its existing social security system. The basic income model offers double the amount that is standard for welfare in Ontario, and has already started to yield positive results, with the most important being a “restoration of dignity”. “People who are participating in (3) the basic income pilot scheme seem to have a renewed sense of hope and are beginning to dream of/ about (4) their futures,” Tom Cooper, director of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, says. Cities the world over are experimenting with (5) basic income, with supporters arguing that it would help to alleviate inequality in society and give people a social financial foundation in an uncertain future. One of the criticisms often heard of “free money” schemes is that they create a dependency class. The Hamilton pilot will evaluate whether participants’ physical and mental health improve with income security, and if they are able to maintain housing and stay engaged in/at (6) work. However, Jim Pugh, co-founder of the Universal Income Project, says many studies have shown that very few people receiving basic income drop out (7) of (8) the workforce. “Some experiments have even found that basic income increases entrepreneurship, which would ultimately lead to (9) more employment,” says Pugh. “The truth is that most people want to contribute to (10) to society. If we can provide them with (11) basic financial security, they’ll find a way to do it.” Even those who support the good intentions and bold design of Universal Basic Income schemes have questioned their sustainability in the long term. But the criticism that basic income would dismantle the welfare state is “rubbish”, says Guy Standing, founder and co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network. He is in favour of (12) maintaining benefits for the most vulnerable people in society even with basic income and has no doubt that it is affordable. “There is no reason why a city or country could not afford to have a basic income for everybody,” says Standing. “In Britain, tax reliefs for the wealthy and corporations come to (13) about 400 billion pounds a year. This by itself could be used to pay for a basic income for everybody. It’s not something that is unaffordable; it’s a matter of priorities.” Comparing Beispielantworten 1. The gender pay gap means that, compared with women, men get much higher salaries. 2. Surprisingly, the situation in various countries is similar. 3. Creating a transparent system would not be as efficient as imposing fines on companies which break the rules. 1  2  3  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv