Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

71 17.2 Focus on content Pressure on women in employment Read the text “Equal pay for men and women” and then answer the questions below. 1. What are the traditional roles of men and women according to the article above? Men: Women: 2. Why are female-dominated jobs less well paid? 3. Which jobs are female-dominated? In general terms: According to economic sectors: 3. What are the consequences for women? 17.3 Focus on vocabulary and style Prepositions: Benefit or burden? Cities trying out universal basic income a) Read the following text and fill in the correct prepositions. b) Write the words and phrases in bold together with the prepositions in your vocabulary log to memorise them. Cities around the world are experimenting with basic income schemes. Funded 1   the provincial government of Ontario, Canada, a pilot scheme in Hamilton is testing whether a basic income for all 1,000 participating individuals is more effective 2   reducing poverty than its existing social security system. The basic income model offers double the amount that is standard for welfare in Ontario, and has already started to yield positive results, with the most important being a “restoration of dignity”. “People who are participating 3   the basic income pilot scheme seem to have a renewed sense of hope and are beginning to dream 4   their futures,” Tom Cooper, director of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, says. Cities the world over are experimenting 5   basic income, with supporters arguing that it would help to alleviate inequality in society and give people a social financial foundation in an uncertain future. 1  2  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv