Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

16 68 Science and new technologies 16.4 Focus on form and structure Using the passive voice Change the following sentences into the passive voice. Avoid mentioning the agent where possible. 1. Before the scientists analyse their data, they must collect as much information as possible. 2. In order to find out the structure of the code, they need to compare their findings with their database. 3. They need to store backups in a different place for security reasons. 4. The new applications can identify faces in large pictures without any problems. 5. The app also records what people say. 6. Machines also take over repetitive jobs, which nobody wants to do. Adverb or adjective? Insert the right form of the adjectives given. When it comes to performing a few very 1  (specific) tasks, AI is still 2  (extreme) limited in terms of general intelligence. Even though many people overestimate the capacity of AI, there are 3  (definite) tasks where AI has 4  (total) matched or eclipsed human performance. The most 5  (repetitive) jobs are at a risk of being automated 6  (entire) . Finding answers to these questions is 7  (incredible) challenging. The conclusion of both the AI Index and McKinsey’s study is that these questions, and others, need 8  (deep) consideration in order to stay ahead of what’s coming. As machines get 9  (clever) , we can’t afford to be 10  (dumb) . 3  4  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv