Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

67 16.2 Focus on content Summarising a) Highlight passages that you think are very important. b) Write a few key words or a question about each paragraph of the text above. c) Answer the following questions. 1. Who? 2. What? 3. Where? 4. When? 5. How? 6. Why? d) Write a short summary of not more than 100 words and include all the details from above. 16.3 Focus on vocabulary and style Vocabulary: Key words from the text Before you look up these words and phrases, try to guess their meaning and express it in your own words. Then check with a dictionary. 1. to keep researchers up at night: 2. crucial: 3. at an incredible rate: 4. to eclipse human performance: 5. a number of games have also been definitively conquered: 6. to gauge sarcasm: 7. rote and repetitive jobs: 8. to take the hit in living standards: 1  2  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv