Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

61 Skeleton text 1   have become the dominant force in 2   . They might arguably be one of the overall most 3   generations. However, 4   they still don’t have a lot to learn, especially when it comes to developing soft skills for face-to-face communication. As the generation that grew up with 5   , their biggest strength could also be a critical weakness. There was once a time when 6   . A good example of this is 7   . Its rapid expansion has allowed for people who once didn’t 8   . Perhaps one of 9   struggle with 10   is because they’ve always had the 11   to 12   . At no other point in history have we had access to such a 13   , which is a great thing for 14   . b) Write down the whole text, so that you can easily read it. c) Go through the text again and replace passages of your choice. Then write it down and adapt it where necessary. 14.6 Writing prompt Blog post: The difficulties of face-to-face communication Having read about young people’s problems communicating face-to-face, you have decided to write a blog post about these issues for a blog where young people of your age exchange ideas and opinions. 5  In your blog post you should: • explain your reasons for writing this blog post • describe the way in which you experience communication among young people • make suggestions on how people could improve their soft skills Write around 250 words . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv