Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

59 14.2 Focus on content How millennials communicate Read the text “Millennials are struggling with face-to-face communication: Here’s why” carefully and then answer the questions below. 1. What are the specific problems of millennials in communication? 2. What are the features of online dating? 3. What is the difference between instant messaging and face-to-face communication? 4. What could help people to improve their communication? 14.3 Focus on vocabulary and style Style: How young people communicate a) Find synonyms for the following words/phrases. 1. young people: 2. to communicate: 3. online: 4. common: b) The following text is very repetitive. Rewrite this text and make sure you use each of the words/phrases only once. Do not hesitate to rewrite other parts of the text as well if you think they should be improved. Young people today communicate with each other in a way that is different from that of older generations. Young people use social media like Instagram to communicate because it is easier for them and they can be online all day. However, communicating via social media means that you have to be online most of the time, otherwise you drop out of your peer group and lose your online friends. Old-style media like e-mail or phone calls are not so common among young people. Communicating by writing on paper, as in letters, is perhaps the least common way of communicating among young people. 1  2  Nur z Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv