Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

55 Encouraging creativity • Take time with a child’s art. • Avoid colouring books. • Show respect for the art and the artist’s process. • Ask open-ended questions: “Will you tell me about your picture?” • Comment on lines, shapes and colours: “I see you used three colours.” • Provide fuel for creativity: “What other materials do you need?” • Show curiosity: “How did you get this effect here?” • Provide a variety of drawing, painting and clay materials. • Comment on changes: “Your drawings look bigger these days.” • Collect recycled boxes, tubes and lumber scraps. Make 3-D creations. • Foster your children’s creativity by introducing them to pieces of art. (Anna Reyner, ) 95 100 105 110 13.2 Focus on content Content questions: Child art Answer the following questions by using passages from the text “What is child art?”. 1. What are the characteristics of child art? 2. How should parents react to their children’s pictures? 3. What should parents do to foster their children’s artistic talent? 13.3 Focus on vocabulary and style Vocabulary: Key words from the text Before you look up these words and phrases, try to guess their meaning and express it in your own words. Then check with a dictionary. 1. spontaneity: 2. family snapshot: 3. routine comments: 4. fine art: 5. applied art: 6. imagination: 7. to nurture: 8. curiosity: 1  2  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv