Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

10 44 Transport, migration and tourism 10.4 Focus on form and structure Linking devices: How cruise ships harm the planet and all life on it a) Read the text carefully and the rewrite the highlighted passages. Make sure that you use interesting linking devices to make your text more cohesive. 3  Passengers consider sea travel a great way to see places of interest and are often attracted by all-inclusive extravagant expeditions to exotic destinations. (1)  Ocean travel may seem like a harmless, fun and family-friendly way to travel. The truth is, these massive vessels are negatively impacting our planet on a global scale. (2)  On average, ships use approximately 140 to 150 tons of fuel per day, which works out to roughly 30 to 50 gallons per mile. Ocean liners possess large diesel engines with exhausts that potentially pollute the air with sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxides – the main components of acid rain – and carbon dioxide and diesel particulate matter. All of these are extremely harmful to the environment and damaging to human health. Travelling by cruise ship causes 1,000 times more CO 2 emissions than travelling by train. (3) The destruction of our atmosphere is not the only concern. Cruise ships are also greatly impacting our oceans and affecting human health. Cruise ships produce sewage which is made up of greywater from sinks, showers and laundry, blackwater from toilets and oily bilge water from leaks and machinery below deck. (4) This contaminated sewage is left untreated when expelled into the ocean. Marine life, the atmosphere and human lives are greatly impacted. Much of this sewage contains harmful constituents such as bacteria, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pathogens and viruses, among other things. As a result, oceans are experiencing loss of species, destruction of coral reefs and overall devastation of underwater ecosystems. (5)  A threat to the environment is ballast water which is picked up at the time of departure and stored in tanks and cargo holds of cruise ships to improve stability and manoeuvring while at sea by keeping the weight distributed evenly. At the next port it is usually discharged, miles away from where it originated. (6) This can have major impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Ballast water contains plants, animals, viruses and bacteria that may be invasive to the new area, causing extensive damage to marine life and human health. Given the great impact ocean travel has on the environment, families opting for the conveniences of an all-inclusive trip and the ongoing entertainment offered may want to reconsider. (7) There are ways of spending your holidays. They are more environmentally friendly. We are living in a time in which our carbon footprint needs to be at a minimum and our oceans need to be protected to ensure sustainability of our planet and the diverse forms of life inhabiting it. (Katie Veras, , 12 August 2017; adapted and abridged) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 b) Go through the text again and underline/highlight other linking devices. How to use “impact” In the text above, look for words starting with “impact”. Write down the passages and study how these words are used. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv