Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

41 9.5 Guided writing Changing the focus Rewrite the following sentences and correct them by replacing the word(s) in bold with more appropriate ones. Mind the verb forms. 4  all  •  everybody  •  everyone  •  few people  •  a few people  •  hardly anybody  • the majority of people  •  most people  •  nobody  •  some 1. All people like shopping because this is part of our human nature. 2. Hardly anybody wants to address this problem. 3. Everybody thinks that shopping helps them to solve problems. 4. Everyone should forget that selling goods is good for the economy and saves jobs. 5. Only a few people would take advantage of longer shopping hours, especially on Sundays. 6. Most people would stand up against Sunday shopping. 7. All of us have enough money to spend on items we don’t need. 8. Not shopping for a while would help nobody to become aware of his or her shopping attitude. 9.6 Writing prompt Article: Shopping Having seen this advert for “Buy Nothing Day” you decide to write an article for the youth magazine in your town, in which you address issues related to shopping. In your article you should: • describe the importance of shopping in today’s world • analyse the underlying problem • draw conclusions how to act in the future Give your article a title . Write around 400 words . 5  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv